Our International Students are encouraged and assisted to immerse themselves in the life of the school. Currently, they take part in activities like our Student Leadership Council, Instrumental Music Program, musical productions, the Arts and an extensive variety of sporting teams. These activities assist students in developing a wide range of friendship groups with shared interests whilst improving their English language skills. It will also help them relax and enjoy their school days. Happy students are inevitably more successful in academia and in other aspects of their lives.
Frankston High School is widely known for its outstanding sporting endeavours. The school has won the State Athletics title for over 12 consecutive years and consistently finishes amongst the top schools at state level swimming. Team sports like soccer, basketball, baseball, badminton, hockey and cricket are extremely popular and students also excel in sports such as tennis, table tennis, golf, surf life-saving, rowing and sailing. Students from Frankston High School have competed successfully at many national and international competitions.
Music is another prominent feature of the school. There are eight bands of varying styles including large concert bands, stage bands, a training band and smaller ensembles. Many International Students enjoy participating in the music program. They successfully perform in many music competitions and participate in national and international music tours. Strong bonds of friendship are forged through the school’s music program.
For more information, see: www.study.vic.gov.au